
Performance in Tokyo (excerpts)

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Set-up has started! 仕込み開始

★The set-up of the stage and lighting work have started at 1:00 am on Thursday, Turkish time, at Garajistanbul, Istanbul. Yasumasa Hatanaka, a lighting desigher, who joined from Tokyo one week before, and Festival staff are working hard. The performance will start at 10:00 pm today. ★ただいまトルコ時間で木曜日の午前1時。仕込みが今晩の会場Garajistanbulで始まりました。開演は午後10時。照明は日本から1週間前に入った畠中康正さんで、フェスティバル・スタッフとの作業が朝まで続きます。